Ansøgningsfrist: 15. May 2025 kl. 23:59

Apply here

The publishing pool supports the work of music publishers with their affiliated songwriters and composers. This includes both the publication of new works, the dissemination of knowledge of the associated songwriters and composers, as well as the placement of their works in other contexts.

The pool will open for applications three weeks before deadline.

All publishing members of Koda can apply for the pool. You can only apply with a CVR number. 

Funding can be applied for projects in the following categories:

  • Music releases. Support can be applied for expenses for the release of newly created music by the publisher's own authors, including recording, mixing and mastering (CD, vinyl and digital releases) as well as musician's fees, producer, studio rent. Reissues cannot be supported. NB! Please note that if the same publication has recieved support from the Release Pool, you can not apply for support in this category.  NB! There is a max. of 5 applications per round within this category.

  • Sheet music releases. Support may be sought for the publication of the works of the music publisher's own authors in print, as well as songbooks in which own authors are included. It is primarily the music notation and proofreading that is supported and not the printing itself. Reissues cannot be supported.

  • Travel scholarship and music export. You can apply for support for the publishers' and their authors' journeys to develop projects, e.g. publishing trips to sub-publishers or collaborators abroad, co-write trips, participation in songwriting camps and the like. Aid may only be granted for two sub-publishing trips per year and a max of 8 travelgrants a year. 

  • PR and marketing. The purpose is to support the promotion of Danish music in Denmark and abroad. You can apply for the promotion of own authors' works, including music video, press campaigns and the like.

NB! There is a max. of 5 applications per round within this category.

  • Fairs and exhibitions. The music publisher can apply for support for the publisher's participation in fairs and exhibitions with a stand, both in Denmark and abroad. There is a max.  of 3 fairs and 2 exhibitions granted annually per publisher.

  • Concerts and tour support.  Music publishers may apply for support for their own authors' concerts and tours or concerts where their authors' works are played.

  • Play Danish concerts.  Music publishers can apply for support for their own authors' Play Danish concerts in Play Danish week, which takes place every year in week 44. There is a max. of 2 concerts granted per author. It is mainly musician's fees that are supported. It is a requirement that remuneration is paid according to Dansk Musiker Forbunds tariffs. There is a max.  of DKK 15,000 grants support per concert.
  • Courses and training.  The purpose is to support the music industry's further development and contribute to the competence boost for publishers and employees. A maximum of 50% of the costs can be applied for and no support is granted for courses supported by Koda in advance.
  • Project description on max 1 page
  • Budget (including revenue and other funds applied for)
  • Presentation of the applicant publisher and the main associated authors

There is a max. of 10 applications in total per round, however, sheet music release applications do not count. You can only apply 2 times for the same author per year, however, sheet music releases and Play Danish applications do not count.

In order to promote the arm's length principle and transparency of aid appropriations, the following requirements apply:

  • A project cannot be supported if the aid applied for in whole or in part is used for the remuneration of employees in their own, consolidated or employees' companies, etc., without this in advance clearly stated in the application.
  • It is not suitable to apply to two different publishers if they have the same CVR number or are affiliated under Danish company law.


You cannot receive support for the same project from several pools under Koda Culture. This applies according to 6.D in our regulation. Find the regulation here.

This means that if you for example apply for publication, you can only receive support once for your publishing project. You cannot receive support for publication from both The Publishing pool, The Up-and-Coming Grant and The Recording/Release Grant at the same time. On the other hand, you will be able to receive support for other processes of the same project from other pools. For example, if you have received support for the recording/release part of your project, you can apply for support for the next phase of your project, e.g. for promoting your release or from the PR pools.  

We have pools that support the different processes that your project can go through. The processes can – from an overall point of view – be divided into:

  • Create (idea, clarification, writing)
  • Improve/develop (coaching, camps, education)
  • Release (record, mix, master)
  • 'Disseminate' (PR/marketing, concert production, fairs and exhibitions)


The publishing pool has three annual application deadlines:

February 1.

May 15.

October 1. 

The music publishers' appropriation committee is elected for two years. The Appropriations Committee currently consists of.

Laura Littauer
Sebastian Owens
Lewis Colston
Mette Zähringer
Steffen Strojeck

You will receive an answer approximately 1 month after the application deadline.

If you have any questions regarding music releases, please contact Hanne Christensen,

If you have technical questions, please contact Koda ,