Ansøgningsfrist: 06. November 2025 kl. 15:00

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The Elite Grant

The Elite Grant is targeted at the professional elite, whose production conditions and costs are significantly higher than other projects, but where the project has the potential to increase Danish rights income and exports significantly to the benefit of the Danish music industry in general. The goal of the grant is also to keep rights within the Danish rights collection system.

You can apply for the grant if you are an individual member of Koda. You must have earned a minimum of DKK 150,000 in Koda income during the past 3 years. If you do not have that Koda income yet, you must be able to document being part of a project aimed at a larger commercial market in Denmark and preferably toward the international market with a release date soon. 

Applicants can grant a power of attorney to, for example, a record company or manager to apply on their behalf. 

You cannot apply if you have received a grant in the previous year (applies to grant recipients from 2022).

The Elite Grant is targeted at the professional elite, whose production conditions and costs are significantly higher than other projects, but where the project has the potential to increase Danish rights income and exports significantly to the benefit of the Danish music industry in general. The goal of the grant is also to keep rights within the Danish rights collection system.


In your application, you must be able to document that there is a momentum for your project where you and your partners will be able to expand your market significantly with the right financial push from this grant. 

You must be able to document being part of a project aimed at a larger commercial market in Denmark and/or preferably toward the international market. 

There must be confirmed partners, who are be listed in the application. 

The project must be completed no later than one year after the grant is awarded. 
You cannot apply for full funding 

General costs cannot be applied for. 

The grant has a deadline on 6th November 2025 at 15:00 pm

The funds are distributed by a committee consisting of: 

The committee consists of professional music creators – the selection for 2023/2024 

  • Engelina Andrina
  • Fabian Mazur
  • Wiebke Averbeck

Members of the grants committee cannot apply for the grant themselves and follow DPA's privacy and impartiality policy in the processing of the applications. 

The grant distributes grants of between DKK 50,000-200,000. The grant totals DKK 1 million. The grant can be applied for once a year. 

You can expect a reply to your application within three weeks. 

You cannot receive support for the same project from several pools under Koda Culture. This applies according to 6.D in our regulation. Find the regulation here.

This means that if you for example apply for publication, you can only receive support once for your publishing project. You cannot receive support for publication from both The Publishing pool and The Recording/Release Grant at the same time. On the other hand, you will be able to receive support for other processes of the same project from other pools. For example, if you have received support for the recording/release part of your project, you can apply for support for the next phase of your project, e.g. for promoting your release or from the PR pools.  

If you have any questions about the L.A. and London Residential scheme, please feel free to contact DPA,

If you have any questions regarding the technicalities of your application, please contact Koda,