Ansøgningsfrist: 14. August 2025 kl. 15:00

Apply Here

The Potential Pool for Music Publishers

All music publishers can apply for funding, regardless of nationality and membership. The pool is aimed at music publishers in all genres, and emphasis will be placed on the publisher, project or creators being in a start-up phase. For example, it can be a newly started publishing company or a publishing project's project for young creators who are at the start of their careers or other authors who are either at the start of their careers or, for example, are returning to the industry after a break and therefore lack start-up support.

All music publishers can apply for funding, regardless of nationality and membership. The music publisher must run ordinary music publishing business and have a publishing contract with a minimum of 1 songwriter (in addition to the owners).

The pool supports expenses for projects where the applicant unambiguously works with music publishing as part of their business, and where the purpose of the application is to support the work of the music publishers, regardless of whether the project has a commercial purpose.


Music export and dissemination of Danish music abroad

Support for music publishers' projects and/or their associated authors' travel activities, trade fair activities, export work, etc. within all genres.


Sync Grants

Support for music publishers' marketing of recordings in relation to synchronisation licensing, either as a single publisher or gathered in common portals.


Educational grants

Support for training for either the publisher's employees and/or associated authors' education with a view to upgrading competencies in areas such as voice training, singing lessons, mentorship in relation to compositional talent development and other shorter, non-SU eligible training courses. It is also possible to apply for support for joint training courses across the industry.


Sustainability projects

Support for projects that support a sustainable music industry, including both the individual publisher's and joint projects across the industry. These can be projects that work to promote a more socially, environmentally or economically sustainable music life for the benefit of both the industry and society.


  • Purchase of equipment
  • Free music and other rights holders' music
  • Meals/Food and drink

To be completed in the application form (online)

  • Project
  • Budget
  • Timetable

Uploaded to the application in the application form (online)

  • Publisher presentation

he pool has two annual application deadlines.

Next application deadline: 23 January 2025

We open for receipt of applications for the next round approx. 3 weeks before the deadline

As a general rule, support amounts between DKK 10,000 and DKK 50,000 are given.  No higher amounts are granted than have been applied for.

The funds for distribution in the pool are KulturPlus funds.

Applications for the pool are processed by a distribution committee. In 2025, the committee consists of:

Susanne Benz
Alexandra Hallen
Jacob "Poe" Stærmose
Jakob Lykkegaard-Friese

All inquiries regarding your application must be made to the administrative staff. Contact with a committee member is considered an improper attempt to influence the processing of your application, and may be a reason for rejection.

Applicants will receive a response about 2 months after the application deadline. In the event of a refusal, one must be prepared for the fact that no individual reasons are given.

  • If a project has previously been granted from the pool, it is not possible to apply for the same project again
  • A total of 3 grants can be obtained from the pool per publisher per application round
  • The music publisher can obtain a total of 3 grants for the same songwriter. After this, you can apply for the Publishers' Pool.